Organic Farms

Farmers deserve our appreciation, respect, and support for the obvious reason that through their hard labor, they provide us with sustenance. At Casey Farm, they grow a remarkable variety of organic fruits, vegetables, flowers, and herbs that are a sensory delight and the cornerstone of a healthy diet. More and more people realize that small, organic farms like Casey Farm provide their local community, country, and the Earth with much more.

Our farmers model and promote ethical treatment of the animals we raise. The animals have room to graze, good organic food, and kind treatment even if their purpose is to become food for people. We promote variety in farm animal species, raising many heritage breeds. This love of animals teaches responsibility and fosters connections to nature, especially for children.

A rainbow stretches across the bay to Watson Farm on the island of Jamestown with lines of trees, pasture, and stone walls of Casey Farm in the foreground.This farm is healthy for the environment because it is a good, low-impact neighbor to the bay and river. Our sustainable practices include low-till management to prevent runoff and maintain nutrients, use of solar power for fencing, and irrigating fields and gardens with our pond and with the 500-gallon rain collecting sculpture Three Sisters: RainKeep. The landscape contains several ecosystems that nurture wild animals and native plants, and it nourishes pollinators we all need to grow our food. Our commitment to farming without pesticides supports all of these plants and animals. Heirloom varieties of plants are important for the diversity of our food sources. All the plants and trees act as a carbon sink and source of oxygen. By distributing food directly to our local customers, we cut down on carbon emissions. Add to that our mission of historic preservation, which saves countless labor and material costs, and this is a green place in more than one sense of the word.

It is healthy for people to get some exercise in the open space and trails or work in the fields and gardens, and to even make natural medicines from the cultivated and wild edibles. The views of the sky, land, and water kept open by generations of farmers is good for the mind and spirit. Immersion in nature is therapeutic, as are all the connections to other people that are made through involvement with the farm. The many activities at the farm build community and enrich minds through its learning opportunities. Our non-profit mission means that we are dedicated to maintaining the landscape, historic buildings, and traditional methods so that as many people as possible can share in the bounty.