Cultivating the Land

Smiling white woman wearing a straw hat with nametag "Lindie Markovich"The land presently called Casey Farm was originally cultivated for organic agriculture by the native people of southern Rhode Island and has been farmed consistently for hundreds of years. Currently we grow crops from May through the end of fall for a Community Supported Agriculture program, an onsite farmers market, a local gleaning organization, and other local markets, always keeping in mind the land’s history and the importance of organic practices to the planet around us.

Since I began working this land in 2012, we have never used synthetic chemicals on the land and only use organic means to control unwanted pests. There is a strong ecosystem here because of these methods with many beneficial insects helping to balance the “pest” populations. We believe in being good stewards of the land and leaving it in better condition than we found it.

–Lindie Markovich, Farm Manager